Tieteelliset lähteet – Terve Paino ry:n toimintaohjelma

kirjoittanut | 18.11.2020 | Tieteelliset lähteet

Huhtikuussa 2020 julkaistussa

Terve Paino ry:n toimintaohjelma

Kirjoituksessa käytettyjä tieteellisiä lähteitä.


Ruokamarkkinoinnin vaikutuksista lapsiin

Gutteina Y, De Backer C, Smits T. Media food marketing and eating outcomes among pre-adolescents and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev 2019: 20: 1708-19.

Jenkin G, Madhvani N, Signal L, Bowers S. A systematic review of persuasive marketing techniques to promote food to children on television. Obesity Rev. 2014;15:281-93.

Harris JL, Pomeranz JL, Lobstein T, Brownell K. A crisis in the marketplace: How food marketing contributes to childhood obesity and what can be done. Annu Rev Public Health 2009;30:211-25.

Kraak VI, Story M. Influence of food companies´ brand mascots and entertainment companies´ cartoon media characters on children´s diet and health: a systematic review and research needs. Obes Rev 2014;dec 17. doi:.

Freeman B, Kelly B, Baur L ym. Digital junk: food and beverage marketing on facebook. Am J Public Health 2014;104:e56-e64.

Pettigrew S, Tarabashkina L, Roberts M ym. The effects of television and Internet food advertising on parents and children. Public Health Nutr 2013;16:2205-12.

Muiden maiden ratkaisuja markkinoinnin rajoittamiseksi

Smith Taillie L, Busey E, Mediano Stolze F ym. Governmental policies ro reduce unhealthy marketing to children. Nutrition reviews 2020; ahead of print.

Corvalan C, Reyes M, Garmendia ML, Uauy R. Structural responses to the obesity and non-communucable diseases epidemic: update on the Chilean law of food labelling and advertising. Obesity Rev 2019;0:367-74.

Haitallisten elintarvikkeiden verottaminen

Public health product tax in Hungary: An example of succesful intersectorial action using a fiscal tool to promote healthier food choices and raise revenues for public health. WHO.

Nakhimovsky SS, Feigl AB, Avila C ym. Taxes on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages to Reduce Overweight and Obesity in Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. PLoS One 2016;26:e0163358.

Maurico H-F, Batis C, Rivera JA ym. Reduction in purchases of energy-dense nutrient-poor foods in Mexico associated with the intruduction of a tax in 2014. Prev Med 2019;jan:16-22.

Cobiac LJ, Tam K, Veerman L, Blakely T. Taxes and subsidies for improving diet and population health in Australia: A cost-effectiveness modelling study. PLOS Med 2017;14(2): e1002232. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002232.

Wise J. Sugar tax could stop 3,7 million UK people becoming obese, claims report. BMJ 2016;352:i1064.

Briggs DM, Tytton OT, Kehlbacher A ym. Overall and income specific effect on prevalence ov overweight and obesity of 20% sugar sweetened drink tax in UK: econometric and comparative risk assessment modelling study. BMJ 2013;347:f6189.

Carbera Escobar MA, Veerman JL, Tollman SM ym. Evidence that a tax on sugar sweetened beverages reduces the obesity rate: a meta-analysis. BMC Public Health 2013;13:1072.